Note that letters behind a minus sign refer to options of a command. Whether you’re a newbie to Linux who’s trying to learn the basics or a seasoned developer who wants a quick knowledge refresher, here’s a list of the commands you’ll need to control a Linux computer. But you can still use many of the Linux commands listed below on your Mac. MacOS is a proprietary system that integrates deeply with Apple hardware and lends itself to the Apple ecosystem Linux is an open-source system that runs on any desktop. And before MacOS users start complaining: No, MacOS and Linux are not the same. Yes, Windows fans, you read that right: Linux is much faster than Windows. Literally all of the world’s top 500 supercomputers run Linux, and it’s even running in space. Linux has, since its inception, been used by almost every software company in some way, shape, or form, and more or less every software product. So efficient it was, in fact, that it’s still in wide use today. His thesis, titled “Linux: A Portable Operating System,” described an operating system that wasn’t just slick and simple to use, but also had a very high throughput, which means that it was able to process lots of information in a small timeframe. It contains most of the features that are commonly considered to produce structured programs.Back in 1991, an unassuming computer science student named Linus Torvalds handed in his master’s thesis and accidentally changed the world. It was commonly used as an interactive command interpreter and as a scripting language. It was developed by Stephen Bourne at Bell Labs and was used as the default shell for Version 7 Unix as a replacement for the V6 shell.

It was released with Version 5 Unix and was available till Version 6 Unix. It was a modified version of the Thompson shell that was maintained by John Mashey, Dick Haight, Alan Glasser. It introduced several innovative features to the command-line interface and let to the development of the later Unix shell. It was a simple command interpreter, not designed for scripting. Modeled after Schroeder’s Multics shell, Ken Thompson wrote the first Unix shell ( V6 shell ) that was introduced in the first version of Unix. Īfter Pouzin returned to his native France in 1965, An American Software engineer – Glenda Schroeder, noted and implemented the first command-line user interface shell. Later on, after going through Christopher Strachey, a British scientist’s macro-generator design, he wrote a paper on how to implement the idea in the Multics operating system.

Pouzin coined the term ‘ shell‘ to describe the technique of using commands like a programming language ( commands used as building blocks for writing more commands). An MIT Computation Center staff member Louis Pouzin developed the RUNCOM tool for executing command scripts while allowing argument substitution.